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Title: Investigation on mechanical and thermal properties of hybrid fiber reinforced epoxy composites
Researcher: Nagarajan T T
Guide(s): Sureshbabu, A and Palanivelu, K
Keywords: Epoxy composites
Hybrid fiber
Scanning Electron Microscopy
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The mechanical and thermal properties of the reinforced composites where mainly depend on the nature and properties of the fiber and its adhesion in the matrix and fiber. The present research work was undertaken to study the development and characterisation performance of pineapple leaf fiber/carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composites with and without particulate nano TiO2 fillers. Pineapple leaf fiber and carbon fiber were specifically chosen to study about the improvement in the mechanical and thermal properties of the epoxy matrix. In the present investigation, attempts had been made to explore the effect of nano TiO2 filled epoxy reinforced pineapple leaf fiber and carbon fiber composites. Embedded composites were characterized by Fourier TransformInfrared Spectra (FTIR), Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), water absorption test and tensile test, flexural test and impact strength test. Alkali treated pineapple leaf fibers (PALF) were used as reinforcement for epoxy matrix. A comparative study in the epoxy matrix using treated and untreated pineapple leaf fibers were elaborated. The mechanical properties of the treated composites were observed to be good when compared to untreated composites and treated composites gave increased mechanical properties and there was considerable change in the thermal properties too. The addition of carbon fiber in pineapple leaf fiber reinforced composites mechanical and thermal properties were also studied. A comparison between the carbon fiber composite and hybrid fiber composite was made. The mechanical and thermal properties of hybrid epoxy composites reinforced with carbon fiber and pineapple leaf fiber composites depend upon fiber-matrix interfacial properties.
Pagination: xxvi,117 p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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