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Title: Certain investigations on the performance of mimoidma systems and signal prediction based on elliott wave theory
Researcher: Mithra, K
Guide(s): Vishvaksenan, K S
Keywords: Wireless network
Communication system
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The ever-increasing demand for ubiquitous mobile communications is urging the establishment of new wireless networking technologies which could accommodate both voice and data communications to the user while travelling throughout any geographic area. In the recent past, the wireless mobile communications industry has grown by order of magnitude, fueled by various multiple accessing schemes. This worldwide growth in cellular communications proved the robustness of wireless systems in both voice and data communications. Next generation wireless systems are aimed at mitigating the data traffic and facilitating high speed data and voice communications. With the challenge of achieving high-speed wireless services fortified by reliability, security and market demand, the next generation of wireless communications will be focused on improving the spectral efficiency and performance by utilizing the latest techniques in wireless communication systems. The advancement in antenna design and electromagnetic propagation formed the basis of this remarkable technology. Moreover, the multiple antennas are majorly used in order to enhance the reliability, throughput and the link quality. The antenna diversity paved way for the concept of multiple antennas and thus lead to Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology in modern wireless communication system. The Space Time Block Code (STBC) systems were basically devised to attain maximum diversity, thus confirming the reliability in communication systemThe multiple accessing schemes are mainly used to permit the users to share some range of spectrum simultaneously for mobile communication. The purpose of spectrum sharing is incurred to accomplish high capacity by simultaneous allocation of the assigned bandwidth to multiple users. At the same time, keeping the quality of service for mobile communication in mind the process should be executed without degrading the system performance. On comparison with traditional multiple accessing schemes, Interleave Division Multiple Acce
Pagination: xxii,136 p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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