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dc.coverage.spatialHr practices with special reference To garments industries in southern Chennai region
dc.description.abstractThe global textile and garment industry forms an important component of world trade flow, particularly for some developing and least developed countries where clothing account for a large proportion of total exports. There are two sectors in garment industry called organized and unorganized sector. Basic issue arises in both sectors of garment industry is that confliction in intra department or between worker and management. So it is required to bind Human Resource Management (HRM) with garment industry to enhance the growth of garment industry. It builds human resource policies based on their industry and their employees. The common idea of HRM is to choose and maintain employees who provide efficient functioning towards the growth of their organization. Human Resources (HR) faces many problems due to emerging new technologies, different kind of workers with different attitude and to maintain a smooth relationship between workers and management. In this research work, the difficulties faced by HR is analyzed by different factors such as employee motivation, training and development, industrial atmosphere and employee welfare in small and medium scale garment industry. In the first phase of the research work, HR challenges in Southern Chennai region garment industries are analyzed based on employee motivation. Initially, the questionnaires are framed based on the employee motivation. Employee motivation of garment industries are analyzed based on giving rewards in the form of salary increment or promotions, status about job security, advancement opportunities at the job, Managers responses related to the workers suggestion, leading quality of managers and working iv environment. newline
dc.format.extentxix, 209p
dc.titleHr practices with special reference To garments industries in southern Chennai region
dc.creator.researcherSabapathy T P
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences
dc.subject.keywordEconomics and Business
dc.subject.keywordHr practices
dc.contributor.guideVetrivel, T
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Management Sciences
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Management Studies

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