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Title: Investigations on the mechanical properties and metallurgical characteristics of friction stir back extruded magnesium alloy tubes and tube plate welds
Researcher: Rajabharathi, B
Guide(s): Lakshminarayanan, A K
Keywords: Mechanical properties
Magnesium alloy tubes
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Micro Tubular structures prepared from Magnesium (Mg) alloys are also gaining prominence and are useful for applications like bicycle frames, heat pipes, heat exchangers, medical components like tube stents for carrying blood, joint implants for bone and injection needles. However, fabricating these magnesium alloy tubes with such smaller diameter and lower thickness is very difficult. Die drawing, hot extrusion combined cold drawing, Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) processes have been tried by the researchers for this purpose. However, due to the room temperature brittleness of Mg alloys, these processes need multiple passes with intermediate heat treatment between the passes and it is difficult to control the geometrical accuracy and dimensions of tubes are difficult in cold drawing. This investigation explores the effect of friction stir back extrusion (FSBE) process parameters on the changes in the integrity, microstructure and corrosive degradation resistance of cast magnesium alloy with rare earth elements. Tubes with two different dimensions (i.e. 22 mm diameter OD with 2.0 mm thick and 4 mm diameter with 0.3 mm) thick were fabricated. Fabricated 22 mm diameter FSBE tubes were joined with tube plate using a hybrid friction diffusion welding (HFDW) process and the results are linked to the process parameters. Twenty experiments as per Central composite design and Nine Experiments as per Taguchi Orthogonal Design were carried out to fabricate 22 mm diameter and 4 mm diameter tubes respectively. Three parameters, namely the rotation rate, dwell time and tool feed rate was used for 22 mm diameter tubes. Instead of dwell time, the preheating temperature was selected for 4 mm diameter tubes. To evaluate the mechanical properties of 22 mm diameter tubes, samples prepared from longitudinal or extrusion direction as well as from radial or hoop direction were used. newline
Pagination: xxviii,202p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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