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dc.coverage.spatialA secured energy efficient framework for cloud based wireless sensor networks
dc.description.abstractWireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an emerging technology adopted in a broad range of applications. Such applications generate massive data that are transmitted to the cloud database for storage and processing. The data transmission from the WSN to the cloud database should be secured and energy efficient. To achieve this, a Secured Energy Efficient Framework (SEEF) is proposed which comprises of various phases like energy efficient clustering, variable size slot allocation through MAC protocol, Sybil attack detection mechanism for node investigation and cross layer based routing protocol optimized through Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA). The sensor nodes are grouped in the form of clusters to achieve energy efficiency and to reduce the overhead. The clusters are formed by balancing the load of each cluster. The cluster head is elected based on the energy, distance factor and load factor. A MAC protocol namely Content Slot Allocation based Multi-Layer (CSA-ML) MAC protocol is proposed for slot allocation. The cluster head allocates the slots of variable length in multiple layers to their cluster members according to their communication requirements. This reduces the idle listening problem and improves energy efficiency. Furthermore, the number of data packets in the node s queue and priority are also considered during slot allocation, which reduces the packet loss problem. As WSN is deployed in a hostile environment, they are prone to various types of attacks. Sybil attack is a type of attack in which the malicious node creates multiple Sybil identities that may join in more than one cluster which is closer. The trust based security mechanism validates the nodes according to the calculated trust value. newline
dc.titleA secured energy efficient framework for cloud based wireless sensor networks
dc.creator.researcherSubashini, S
dc.subject.keywordWireless Sensor Network
dc.subject.keywordCloud database
dc.subject.keywordFlower Pollination Algorithm
dc.contributor.guideMathiyalagan, P
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineering
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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