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Title: Functionalisation of TiO2 WO3 Composite Based Materials for Targeted Industrial Applications
Researcher: Athira Krishnan
Guide(s): Beena S
Keywords: Physical Sciences, Electrochemical, Nanomaterials, Energy crisis, Renewable energy, Solar energy:, photocatalysis, PANI-TiO2, nanocomposites, electrocatalyst
University: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Catalysis is renowned as the technology of the 21st century. Many of our chemical and newlinepharmaceutical industries; industries manufacture clean fuels and sensors work on the principle of catalysis. As heterogeneous catalysis is based on the mechanism of adsorption, it is of utmost priority in the evaluation of surface chemistry and modification of surface structural properties in order to enhance their catalytic performance. The thesis mainly focuses on functionalizing TiO2-WO3 nano composite for catalytic and sensing application. newline newline
Pagination: xxix, 228
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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