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Title: A phenomenological exploration of Patanjala Yog
Researcher: Sumit Kumar
Guide(s): Sah, H.P.
Keywords: Patanjala Yog
Yoga Philosophy
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: This thesis basically considers the given points. 1. Work, deals with the brief discussion of Mahariand#7779;i Pand#257;tanjali s Yogsand#363;tra, its composing time, its contents and the present day misgivings about Yog practices. 2. We have dealt with the phenomenological implications of Edmund Husserl. We have also correlated the practices of Yog with the aspects of phenomenology as a method, as a scientific understanding and as spiritual framework. As the phenomenological approach we have dealt with the samkhya philosophy. 3. Misgivings: Yoga is taken as a need but the art or the part of life, yoga is misunderstood as the religious practices but it is not so, yoga should not be taken as the commercial benefit and business token alone, theoretical and practical both aspects are equally important . 4. Kriyand#257; yog, aand#7779;tand#257;ng yog, Panchakleand#347;a are also analyzed and clarified in a phenomenological approach. 5. The concepts of Yama, Niyama and Iand#347;wara Pranidhand#257;na are additionally dealt with the phenomenological practices as the epoche and reduction are the relevant for these three practices. 6. A complete chapter is devoted to the concept of God/Iand#347;wara having the purpose to expose the misgivings about the God and yog in Yog Philosophy. 7. Kaivalya Pand#257;da is also dealt in a single chapter and interesting finding in it is the clarification of the Nirmana and#262;itta in a new perspective. newline
Pagination: iv, 151p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Philosophy

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