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dc.coverage.spatialImplementation of various controller techniques to analyse the performance of dc dc luo converters
dc.description.abstractA DC-to-DC converter is a power converter circuit, which varies the output voltage by changing the device conduction time (Duty cycle). The input voltage of the converter can be steped up or steped down and function like DC equivalent AC transformer. The converters like buck, boost, buckboost etc. are derived from the basic converter. These converters are generally employed for electrical vehicles, trams, forklifts, marine hoists etc. Today, there exist almost 600 DC to-DC converters, which are different in structure, working principle and voltage gain values. The application specific design and regulation of output voltage are major challenges in the DC-to-DC converter systems. There are several control techniques prevail to overcome those challenges. The direct method requires useful analysis and modelling of the converters. The technique of State- Space Averaging (SSA) is employed to newlinedesign a converter. To get the small signal averaged calculations of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) switching converters use state space account of dynamical systems from the SSA technique and performs the control design and simulation faster. In general DC-to -DC switching power converters are time-invariant and nonlinear, and by using nonlinear or linear control these converters are controlled. By proper tuning parameters, linear controllers like Proportional Integral Controller (PIC), Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) and Hysteresis Based Sliding Mode Controller (HBSMC) can be made robust of dc-dc converter systems. The degree to which the controller overshoots at the set point, sensitivity of the controller to an error, and degree of system oscillation measure the performance triumphs of the controller newline newline
dc.titleImplementation of various controller techniques to analyse the performance of dc dc luo converters
dc.creator.researcherThamaraiselvi, R
dc.subject.keywordPower converter circuit
dc.subject.keywordState- Space Averaging
dc.subject.keywordSliding Mode Controller
dc.contributor.guideBaskaran, J and Elizabeth Caroline, P
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Electrical Engineering
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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