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Title: Chitosan based anticancerous Topical hemostatic material for Palliative hemorrhagic care
Researcher: Vigneshkumar S
Guide(s): Karthikeyan R
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Engineering Chemical
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Chitosan and its derivatives have been a prime choice of the compound as a biomaterial in numerous therapeutic and biomedical applications. The biocompatible and non-toxic property of chitosan makes it a virile choice of material for drug delivery in various forms collectively termed as polymer therapeutics. Chitosan and its derivatives have been a promising alternative and adjuvant for conventional approaches of cancer therapy that use chemotherapeutic drugs. Derivatized polymeric compounds have been applied to overcome limitations such as low permeability, first pass metabolism, poor absorption, shorter sustainability, and toxicity. Moreover, chitosan-based drug delivery for cancer has been dose-dependent, stimuliresponsive ventually have been theranostic due to their exceptional ability to get functionalized. This primary aim of the study was focused on developing a chitosan derivative Chitosan Ascorbate Nanoparticles (CANP) and its physiochemical characterization. The study also was intended to understand the in vitro antioxidative and anti-cancer properties of CANP along with in silico analysis of its target proteins in cervical cancer and blood clotting factors. CANP was synthesized with milder chemical treatment, which was achieved using ascorbic acid. Chitosan showed enhanced reaction with a dehydroascorbic acid solution, which leads to stable product chitosan ascorbate which then was cross-linked by TPP for the synthesis of CANP. This formation is from a salified carboxylate form of chitosan with ascorbic acid. The degree of substitution of ascorbic acid in CANP was examined and was found with a 60 to 64% substitution newline
Pagination: xix, 148p
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Technology

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