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Title: Relationship among the antecedents And consequences of perceived value n co designed products
Researcher: Thenral E
Guide(s): Sunganthi L
Keywords: Social Sciences
Economics and Business
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The challenge that firms face today while deciding to engage customers to co-design is in identifying the customers who value co-designed products. Customers co-create value when they participate in a mass customization process. Past studies have focused on the changing attitude of customers during the co-creation process because of their participation in the process. The unique contribution of this study is that it seeks to examine the relationships among consumers need for uniqueness, the centrality of visual product aesthetics, product involvement, co-design self-efficacy, perceived risk of buying a co-designed product, the perceived value of buying a co-designed product, trust in the brand that offers co-designed products and the intention to purchase such products. The study used a cross-sectional research design with data collected through a structured questionnaire administered to the respondents in person. The study used convenience sampling and more than 1500 questionnaires were distributed of which 1052 were returned after completing resulting with a response rate of 70% of respondents using a survey. The respondents were qualified to participate in the study only when they were willing to co-design at least one product. The responses were screened for this qualification, missing values, and engagement. The responses that qualified based on the willingness to co-design with the removal of responses with missing values and unengaged responses resulted in 573 usable responses which were used for further analysis. newline
Pagination: xviii, 133p
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Management Studies

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