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Title: Investigation on static and dynamic behaviour of layered functionally graded material structures
Researcher: Vasiraja, N
Guide(s): Nagaraj, P
Keywords: Functionally Graded Materials
Finite Element Analysis
Composite materials
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) are represented as a new class of advanced composite materials made of two different phase material viz. metal and ceramic. In FGM, the material properties are varying gradually along the thickness direction and so is often applied in many engineering application to avoid reliability and durability problems which are raised in the laminated composite material. As a result, the present research work investigates on newlinenonlinear static and dynamic behaviour of layered Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) plate on displacement, stresses, critical buckling load and fundamental frequency by using the Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Then this investigation is extended to understand the static and dynamic behaviour of FGM cylinder. In addition, the processing and characterization of FGM coated plate and cylinder made through the plasma spray technique are studied and discussed in details. In all the cases, the material properties of each layer in FGM plate and cylinder are assessed according to a ceramic-based simple power-law distribution and rules of mixture. Then finite element model is developed for layered FGM plate using shell181 element in ANSYS®15.0 software. Since many analyses are worked out; Macro codes are established in ANSYS®15.0 software and used in all the study. Initially, the developed finite element model is used to study the static and dynamic responses of FGM plate. The effects of power-law distribution, thickness ratio, aspect ratio and boundary conditions are investigated for the central displacement, transverse shear stress, transverse normal stress, critical buckling load and fundamental frequency and the newlineobtained FEA results are a good agreement with the literature test data results. newline newline
Pagination: xxii,166p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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