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dc.coverage.spatialPerformance analysis of flow management in software defined network
dc.description.abstractThe communications networks initially used was the Telephone networks, named as connection-oriented or circuit-switched networks. These networks involved in the establishment and the tearing down of a communication path for each call. The path established was static and only used during the call. Hence, the idea of transmitting the voice signals as data packets emerged, which was named as connectionless or packet-switched networks. The data packets had the header information, which helped to reach the destination. The idea of the decentralized, connectionless network grew over the years and burst in the form of Internet around 1990. The Internet came to dominate computer networking and gave rise to the ever-growing datacenters. The datacenters have a huge number of servers that are used for the collection, organization, and processing of large volumes of data. There was an enormous amount of complexity in the operation of the larger and more complex datacenter. Traditional networking technologies became inadequate to meet the demands concerning the size and speed of the datacenter. A new class of networking technology is needed to satisfy the requirements emerging from the technological advances such as automation, scalability, multipathing and network virtualization. Software Defined Network (SDN) is an architectural approach of virtualizing the network providing greater control and support for traffic engineering and thus optimizes and simplifies network operations. SDN has the advantages of the plane of separation, centralized control and openness. The basic components of SDN are the forwarding devices that support SDN functionality, the SDN controller and the applications. The data in SDN is newlinerepresented in the form of flows defined by the SDN controller. A group of packets in transfer having the same 2 endpoints is defined as a flow. newline newline
dc.titlePerformance analysis of flow management in software defined network
dc.creator.researcherUma Maheswari, G
dc.subject.keywordCommunications networks
dc.subject.keywordSoftware Defined Network
dc.contributor.guideHariharan, K
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineering
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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