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Title: Information retrieval and knowledge management
Researcher: Bhagyalakshmi, A
Guide(s): Vijayachamundeeswari ,V
Keywords: Information retrieval
Knowledge management
Content Based Image Retrieval
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Information retrieval is an emerging field and its applications involve searching all kinds of information from the search engine, extracting useful erudition from medical images, identification of defected parts of products in industries, swift identification of convicts in the crime branch using face images, fingerprint layouts, and security biometric applications. In the above-said purposes, image is an inherent element to make unique conclusions. Image retrieval plays a huge role in most of the applications and it involves two primary techniques namely, text-based and content-based image retrieval.Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is a valuable techniqueemployed in image searching applications. In CBIR, the images are retrieved using low-level traits namely color, texture and shape descriptors. These descriptors help to identify the context of the image easily. A variety of techniques have been disclosed by researches for image retrieval applications using CBIR. However, image retrieval systems comprise many issues like managing storage, processing of images, noise filtering, excluding the background of an image, extraction of image characteristics and representation of feature descriptors. The essential properties of image retrieval techniques are the retrieval of associated images with complex backgrounds, user query augmentation with feedback information, efficient organization and image indexing, mastery in searching results, techniques to handle the reduction of retrieval time and effective methods for comparing user s request image with database images newline
Pagination: xix,120p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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