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Title: Design and analysis of reconfigurable hardware efficient finite impulse response filter using pfir mp approach
Researcher: Shanmugaraj, G
Guide(s): Kalaiarasi, N
Keywords: Filters
Finite Impulse Response
Linear phase
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The filters which support linear phase property used to eradicate the distortion of phase with all frequencies, delays at the same time are categorized as Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters. The term Linear phase states the condition that the response of FIR filter is a straight line (referred as Linear) function of frequency excludes phase wraps at + 180o or 180o. By using this filter at all frequencies results in the constant delay. So, this filter cannot cause any distortions related to either phase or delay . This property can be considered as the major advantage of FIR filters when compared with various filters like Analog or IIR etc In general, FIR filters are designed as linear phase such that its coefficients are symmetrical around the center coefficient (the First one is equal to last, second to last but one and so on). N tap of FIR filter is the delay based on (N-1)/(2*Fs), where Fs is the sampling frequency. The time of increase in N is directly proportional to the increase of delay. A pipelined FIR filter with multiplying polynomials in even and odd is proposed to the reduced number of multiplications as well as the additions in the sub filter block. A new technique for sharing the adjacent coefficient has been introduced based on the sharing of sub-structures to decrease the cost of hardware required for parallel FIR filters. A better coefficient quantization technique named Maximum Absolute Difference Quantization Process was stated and implied to generate quantized filters having good spectrum characteristics. By using the combination of above-said techniques together leads to 45% decrement of hardware newline
Pagination: xv,116p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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