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Title: Driver behavior based intelligent decision making system for vanet
Researcher: Cloudin, S
Guide(s): Mohan Kumar, P
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Engineering Mechanical
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Vehicles are becoming more intelligent and less reliant on human operation. On-board connectivity with copious sensors has made vehicle users benefit from safer and efficient journey. In Vehicle to everything (V2X) communication system paves the way to fully autonomous driving by passing information from sensors and other sources via high-reliable links. In this multifaceted ecosystem, inter-vehicle communication plays a vital role in an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) where vehicles will talk to other vehicles V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle), vehicles will talk to infrastructure V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure), vehicles will talk to pedestrian V2P (vehicle-to-pedestrian), vehicles will talk to network V2N (vehicle-to-network). The V2X standard is based on IEEE 802.11p running in unlicensed 5.9GHz frequency band. The IEEE 802.11p supports ITS-G5 (Intelligent Transport Systems operating in the 5 GHz frequency band) in the Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) initiative and Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC). Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) constitutes inter-connected vehicles equipped with Electronic Control Modules (ECMs). Integrating autonomous functionalities and intelligent features in vehicles leads to efficient exploitation of the road network. Researchers show interest in developing communication protocols that mimics the real traffic scenario to enable the assessment of the network performance more accurately. Subsequently, due to high mobility as the topology of the network in VANET keeps changing, the vehicles are enabled to sense their environment and exchange their sensed data with other vehicles to get a better understanding of the surrounding environment to prevent any hazardous situations. newline
Pagination: xxiii, 236 p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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