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dc.description.abstractLiberalized policies and favourable economic environment is attracting large-scale foreign investment in emerging markets including India. All the countries, developed or developing are making their way in foreign investment. Developing countries are newlinefocusing on increasing their investment in order to improve their domestic growth rate whereas the developed countries are moving towards newer markets where they can easily avail cheap labour, establish new products and finding new portfolios of newlineinvestment in order to earn high profits. This phenomenon has warranted the newlineinvestigation pertaining to measurement of impact these capitals flows on the newlineeconomy of BRICSand#8223; nations. Current study tries to uncover different dimensions of dynamic inter-linkages and interrelationship among FDI and FII in BRICSand#8223; countries. These inter-linkages and relationships help in identifying impact of FDI and FII on BRICSand#8223; and fill the research gaps following are the six objectives identified for the study: newline1. To study the determinants of FDI and FII in BRICSand#8223; Countries. newline2. To analyze the trend of FDI and FII along with determinants identified for newlineBRICSand#8223; countries. newline3. To analyze inter-relationship among BRICSand#8223; for determinants of FDI and FII. newline4. To analyze the impact of determinants of FDI and FII on BRICS FDI and FII flows. newline5. To analyze the impact of FDI and FII on the growth of BRICS countries. newline6. To suggest the measures to improve flow of FDI and FII in BRICS market. newlineImplication of the study is divided in two parts for regulators that is government and other financial bodies, economist who are in power to frame policies and monitor newlineregulations, second are investors who want to diversify their investments in newlineinternational markets. newline newline
dc.titleImpact of FDI and FII Flows in Brics Countries Market
dc.creator.researcherGoel, Nisha
dc.subject.keywordEconomics and Business
dc.subject.keywordInvestment analysis
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences
dc.contributor.guideSingh, Gurinder and Sharma, C.S
dc.publisher.universityAmity University, Noida
dc.publisher.institutionAmity International Business School
Appears in Departments:Amity International Business School

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