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dc.description.abstractThe present study is aimed at: Empowering an individual to re-write their Fate, Destiny or Kismat (assome may call) by helping individual live a Script Free Life by making individual s Daily Chores and Leisure Activity as their Therapist. newlineSo, a Self-Care Reflector webpage was developed with an aim of offering newlineemployees with a personalized prescription for taking care of their mental health. newlineFor the purpose of the study a sample of 611 service sector employees were newlinechosen across various demographic areas and profile. Data was collected by newlinemeans of schedules comprising of Adapted Emotional Dissonance Scale, Self- newlineCare Indicator Scale derived from144 self-help measures and Transactional newlineAnalysis Working Style Test. The output was then analysed using 3-way newlineANOVA in SPSS 21 software to check the impact of various self-coping newlinemeasures to fight emotional dissonance for various combination of Transactional newlineAnalysis Working Style. As emotional dissonance is root cause behind stress, newlineanxiety, distress thus these strategies are equally effective for reducing all newlinepsychological barriers which was proved statistically too. newlineThe results then acted as a database for generation of Self-Care newlineReflector Webpage which was coded and developed using PHP and Bootstrapping platform. The key highlight of the Self-Care Reflector is that it prescribes strategies even to stress free individuals to remain stress free even in future alongside making individual who are under Stress empowered by treating the problem behaviour in an individual working Style.Thus, Self-Care Reflector will not just empower the workforce with newlinestrategies that delivers results but will also add a personal touch to employer s newlineefforts by making each employee feel special with just a click. newline newline
dc.titleDeveloping Self Help Strategies to Reduce Emotional Dissonance Amongst Individuals in Service Sector
dc.creator.researcherIyer, Thanesa
dc.subject.keywordEconomics and Business
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences
dc.contributor.guideYadav, Jaya and Gupta, Sangeeta
dc.publisher.universityAmity University, Noida
dc.publisher.institutionAmity Business School
Appears in Departments:Amity Business School

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02_certificate.pdf300.25 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
03_preliminary pages.pdf607.92 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
04_chapter 1.pdf626.86 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
05_chapter 2.pdf1.5 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
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