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dc.description.abstractThis research is an attempt to understand the impact of the recent applications of TQM on Organizational Effectiveness at both Public and Private manufacturing sector. In order to have a better understanding the researcher have identified one Public manufacturing industry i.e. National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) and another Private manufacturing organisation i.e. Indian Metals and Ferro Alloys Limited (IMFA). The primary and secondary data were collected from the employees of the above mentioned organizations and its different corporate offices, plants and mines. Different statistical tools and techniques were adopted for analysing and interpreting the collected information from the employees. These tools include Reliability test, t-test, ANOVA, DMRT, and Correlation. Likert s 5 point scale was adopted with the options such as Strongly Agree, Agree, No opinion, Disagree and Strongly disagree. The responses of the employees were summed up and the analysis was done with the help of the above mentioned tools. For the analysis the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used. There have been instances highlighted in the study which has helped the organizations to combat with different issues cropped up at different levels. They have also encouraged their employees to get involved in TQM Practices through different Employee Involvement programmes such as Quality Circle, Kaizen, 5S etc. Hence, this highlights why the organizations have taken so much pain in employee engagement programmes which encourage the Quality improvement. From the study, it has been stated that the organization do face certain barriers in the implementation of the TQM in their respective organizations which has reduced the probability of successful implementation of TQM. Though there has been implementation of TQM practices in both the sectors, still we find a slight higher acceptance of the TQM practices in Public sector than compared to Private. newline newline newline
dc.titleA Study on Organizational Effectiveness on Implementation of Total Quality Management
dc.title.alternativeA Comparison of Public and Private Sector Organizations
dc.creator.researcherRay, Sushree Sangita
dc.subject.keywordEconomics and Business
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences
dc.subject.keywordTotal quality management
dc.contributor.guideTripathi, Shruti and Acharya, Sujit Kumar
dc.publisher.universityAmity University, Noida
dc.publisher.institutionAmity International Business School
Appears in Departments:Amity International Business School

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