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Title: Sullphur dynamiics and iits criitiicall lliimiits for french bean and caulliifllower iin aciidiic soiills of Hiimachall Pradesh
Researcher: Gaurav
Guide(s): Sankhyan, N K
Keywords: Ecology and Environment
Life Sciences
Soil Science
University: Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: newline Sullphurr iis bestt known fforr iitts essenttiialliitty and viittalliitty iin crrop prroducttiion,, butt due tto iitts newlinewiidesprread deffiiciiency,, iitt iis iimperrattiive tto sttudy iitts ttrransfforrmattiions iin aciidiic soiills.. IIn tthe prresentt newlineiinvesttiigattiion,, 500 soiill samplles werre collllectted rrandomlly ffrrom cullttiivatted aciidiic soiills off Hiimachall newlinePrradesh,, as iidenttiiffiied durriing prreviious surrveys conductted by Deparrttmentt off Soiill Sciience,, CSK newlineHPKV Pallampurr.. Prrocessed soiill samplles werre anallyzed fforr pH,, soiill ttextturre and avaiillablle sullphurr.. newlineFiive soiill prroffiilles werre allso sellectted rrandomlly tto sttudy tthe verrttiicall diisttrriibuttiion off S.. The newlinettrransfforrmattiion off sullphurr wiitth extterrnalllly added ellementtall sullphurr was sttudiied iin ttwentty one newlineiincubatted soiill samplles,, whiich varriied iin pH and ttextturre.. Furrttherr,, 10 llocattiions werre sellecttedtthatt newlinevarriied iin pH,, cllay conttentt and avaiillablle S tto sttudy tthe rresponse and tto esttablliish crriittiicall lliimiitts off S newlinefforr ffrrench bean and caulliiffllowerr;; ffurrttherrmorre tthe dettaiilled experriimentt was conducttediin potts underr newlinegllasshouse.. newlineIIn sttudy arrea,, ttextturrall cllass,, pH ((1::2..5)) and avaiillablle sullphurr rranged ffrrom lloamy sand tto newlinecllay,, 4..23 tto 7..00 ((exttrremelly aciidiic tto neuttrrall)) and 11 tto 65 kg ha-1 ((deffiiciientt tto suffffiiciientt)) newlinerrespecttiivelly.. Arround 35 perr centt off tthe soiill samplles werre ffound deffiiciientt iin avaiillablle sullphurr.. newlineAvaiillablle S exhiibiitted a siigniiffiicantt posiittiive corrrrellattiion wiitth cllay and siilltt,, wherreas newlinesiigniiffiicanttnegattiive corrrrellattiion was ffound wiitth sand and pH.. newlineAllll tthe S ffrracttiions ((sullphatte--S,, watterr sollublle--S,, heatt sollublle--S,, orrganiic--S and ttottall--S)) newlineiincrreased wiitth iincubattiion off soiill samplles and added ellementtall S.. The hiighestt conttentt off tthese S newlineffrracttiio
Appears in Departments:Department of Soil Sciences

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