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Title: Prenatal and postnatal exposures to pcbs effect on behavior and neurochemicals in mice across one generation
Researcher: Ramanujam N
Guide(s): Ramalingam S
Keywords: neurochemicals
Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Postnatal exposures
Prenatal exposures
University: The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: Environmental pollution is a problem of high magnitude facing all life forms on earth characterized by derangement of environmental processes. It occurs because of certain substances or energies which newlinewhen they exceed their limits become environmental pollutants. They newlinecan either be naturally occurring or man-made.1 Persistent Organic newlinePollutants (POPs) are a subclass of environmental pollutants, that are newlinea diverse class of organic carbon-based chemicals possessing unique newlinephysical and chemical properties. These unique properties render newlinePOPs to be intact after their environmental release, for exceptionally newlinelong periods, widely get distributed in the soil, water and air, newlineaccumulate in fatty tissues of biological systems, being found greater newlinein higher organisms, and are toxic to living organisms. Low dose did not produce significant change in behaviour: A newlinedose of 2 mg/cu.m dose did not produce statistically newlinesignificant change in behavioural scores compared to the newlinecontrol group at all timepoints of exposure. newlineBehavioural scores indicative of central depression in newlineintermediate dose: The mean behaviour scores was reduced newlineat 4 mg/cu.m dose on day 6 of exposure, which was a newlinestatistically significant difference compared to control group. The PCBs were significantly responsible for reduction in newlinebehavioural scores in translactational group in the onegenerational newlinetoxicity study. Conclusion: Polychlorinated Biphenyls produced neurobehavioral functional newlineand structural toxicities in mouse in a dose dependent and time newlinedependent manner when exposed to Aroclor 1232 via the newlineinhalational route. There was significant inter-generational toxicity of PCBs on newlinebehavioural scores, after transfer by translactational route. newline
Pagination: 1-258
Appears in Departments:Department of Medical

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