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dc.description.abstractDiabetes is a worldwide health problem. It may begins around twenty years of age and become more prevalent when age get advances. Diabetes has been detected more in urban population but undiagnosed diabetes is most common in the rural people. In India, one in two out of population has diabetes mellitus. Approximately ninety two million of Indian people may get diabetes in the year 2035. Diabetic foot ulcer is one of the serious complications of DM. Eighty four percent people get lower leg amputation because of diabetes. Peripheral arterial disease and neuropathy are the common causes for foot amputation. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the pretest condition of diabetic ulcer foot among patients with DM. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of infra-red radiation application, insulin dressing and metronidazole dressing in healing of diabetic ulcer foot among patients with DM. 3. To compare the effectiveness of infra-red radiation with insulin dressing and metronidazole dressing in healing of diabetic ulcer foot among patients with DM. 4. To associate the effectiveness of intervention in healing of diabetic ulcer foot with the selected demographic variables. METHODOLOGY: Quasi experimental pretest posttest design was adopted for this study and Non probability consecutive sampling technique was used to select the samples. Based on the sampling criteria totally 225 samples were selected for this study, out of this seventy five subjects were treated with infra-red radiation, seventy five treated by insulin dressing and remaining seventy five were treated metronidazole dressing. First day, three interventional group was assessed by using modified Bates Jensen s wound assessment tool and same day treatment was started, posttest was done on seventh day and tenth day by using the tool. CONCLUSION: These study results shows that all the three interventions were effective in healing of diabetic ulcer but infrared radiation was the most effective method when comparing other two interventions in the healing of diabetic ulcer foot.-
dc.titleA Comparative study to Assess the Effectiveness of Infra Red Radiation Insulin Dressing and Metronidazole Dressing in Healing of Diabetic Ulcer Foot at MAPIMS-
dc.creator.researcherTamilselvi P-
dc.subject.keywordClinical Medicine-
dc.subject.keywordClinical Pre Clinical and Health-
dc.contributor.guideRajasankar S-
dc.publisher.universityThe Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University-
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Nursing-
Appears in Departments:Department of Nursing

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