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dc.coverage.spatialChild Health
dc.description.abstractnewline In olden days especially in India, marriage was regarded essential for the newlinetotal fulfillment of the objectives of men and women s life. It was considered as newlinewithout marriage they would not gain Moksha . It is Apparent from our holy newlinebooks, old Shloka s and myths, how people were blessed children after carrying newlineout number of religious activities like praying, fasting etc. newlineMarriage is recognized as a union of two people. Marriage is newlinelegally/formally a time honored universal institution. In marriage, birth of child newlineis whiskered as a peak of happy union. Birth of a child is an ultimate fulfillment newlineof a cherished, adored, the most admired dream and ultimate desire of a married newlinepair to which they want to nurture becoming a parent is an innate and natural newlinewish of almost every single person on this planet. It is unimaginable for a person newlineto live alone, without having a person loving. newlineIndia is sovereign nation with vast and different cultural and religious newlineexercises. India is considered as a unity in diversity country and its diversities is newlineits socio-cultural differences, religious and variant to languages based on its newlinesocial institutions. Due to its divergent regional, cultural environment and newlinebackground, there is a dissimilar idea and belief about child birth, child health, newlinesex preferences, size of family, etc. The preferences for the birth of son in the newlinefamily is completely evident in almost every culture and religious setting. newlineTherefore, this ideology/preference gave rise to problems, such as pre-mature newlinedeliveries of foe the birth of child. newlinePregnancy is physiological and social process but also it is a high risk. newlineProcess may other problems also come in hand with early pregnancy like vaginal newlinebleeding and pain in lower abdomen, vaginal bleeding can occurs in early newlinepregnancy due to many reasons. Vaginal bleeding can be caused due to abortion, newlineectopic pregnancy and hydatidiformole. These complications can cause foetal newlineloss, cervical malignancy etc. likewise pain in lower abdomen is caused due to newlinecomplicati
dc.titleSocial and Cultural Determinants of Child Health and Infant Mortality A Cross Sectional Study in Hingoli District
dc.creator.researcherBhartiya Abhaykumar Vijaykumar
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences
dc.subject.keywordSocial Sciences General
dc.subject.keywordSocial Work
dc.contributor.guideMujawar W. R.
dc.publisher.universitySwami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Social Work
Appears in Departments:Department of Social Work

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