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Title: Detection of Concealed Threat Using Millimeter Wave Sensor For Home Land Security
Researcher: Kumar Ashok
Guide(s): Jassal B.S
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: Graphic Era University
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: newline Right after 26/11, homeland security is being viewed seriously and considerable efforts are being newlinecarried out by both civilian and military agencies to mitigate the problem effectively. Various newlinetechnologies and techniques; sensors and systems are being exploited to evolve workable solution for newlineresolving the problems. Different technologies right from x-ray imaging, magnetic newlineimaging/sensing, IR sensing, radars and radiometer sensor have been developed for standoff newlinedetection of concealed/camouflaged threat, for fulfilling the above requirements. The radiometers newlineat mm wave frequencies although provide moderate spatial resolution have gained popularity due newlineto its superior detection performance for concealed threats. Detection data generated by mm wave newlineradiometer sensor has high contrast, stable signature and provides easy interpretation. Their allweather newlinedetection capability provides necessary edge over the other technologies as part of sensor newlinesuit for the purpose of threat detection. Enhanced threats of terrorist activities during recent past newlinehas necessitated the development of techniques and technologies for the detection of concealed newlineweapons, contraband, explosives or other security hazard objects or their ingredients at high newlinesecurity zones like airports. Large number of inventors has studied threat materials, concealing newlinebarriers, intervening channel properties, detection phenomenology, resolution enhancement and newlinevideo rate imager based on radiometer sensors. The research carried out till date has been newlineconverted into products and are being experimented at various high security zones. These sensors newlinedetect concealed threats embedded on the outer parts of the body and limited in performance with newlinerespect to shadow areas including cavities, curves and depressions of the body. These sensors also newlineviolate right to privacy on the name of security. newlineTo address these limitations a handheld all material detection sensor has been conceptualised. A newlinesingle channel 94 GHz radiometer sensor has been developed and calibra
Appears in Departments:Deptt. of Electronics and communication Engineering

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06_list of figures, tables and grossary.pdf24.98 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
07_chapter i.pdf351.13 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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13_chapter vii.pdf4.67 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
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16-references and list of publications.pdf403.71 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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