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Title: Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using the Selected Fruit Peels and Testing Their Antibacterial Effectiveness against Urinary Tract Infection Caused By Escherichia coli
Researcher: Saxena, Richa
Guide(s): Srivastava, J. N. and Agarwal, Arti
Keywords: Life Sciences
Plant and Animal Science
Plant Sciences
University: Dayalbagh Educational Institute
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: Silver Nanoparticles plays a vital role as an antibacterial agent in the pharmaceutical industry and due to its antimicrobial properties, it has been proved to be of immense value as a drug delivery agent. The peels of Litchi fruit were selected for the synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles. The biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles were characterized by techniques such as Uv-Vis Spectroscopy, XRD, FTIR, SEM with EDX and TEM analysis. The synergistic effect of Litchi peels synthesized Silver Nanoparticles and the antibiotic combination was examined against Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria E. coli isolated from samples of urine, infected with Urinary Tract Infection. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Botany

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