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dc.description.abstractThis research attempts to study principles and reasons for formation of crises newlineand conflicts which had great influences in lack of development in ECO region newlineincluding the case of development in tourism. It also tries to observe attitudes and newlineroles of different foreign powers in this backwardness and lack of development. newlineEventually, through studying and analyzing the current situation, it tries to suggest newlinesolutions to overcome the problems and for improving development of Tourism. newlineIn order to meet its objectives, this research has been divided into seven newlinechapters. On this basis, in the first chapter which includes Introduction of research, newlinethe main structure of thesis is discussed. According to this theoretical introduction and newlineconsidering the subject of research, it was decided to mention the background of newlinetourist industry, definition of tourism and also introduction of different branches of newlinetourism. newlineThe third chapter deals with the region that is studied. This region which today newlinecovers ten countries namely Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, newlineTajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Kirgizstan and Kazakhstan includes a very newlineimportant part of the world which is significant in many different aspects. Existence newlineof great sources of energy, strategic location, high population, vast territory, various newlineclimates and existence of different nations, etc. are elements that attract any specialist. newlineChapter four of this study deals with studying political structure of countries in ECO newlineregion. Hence, it was necessary to have a look at theories of formation of government newlineand their governing methods from earlier periods until now. These theories and newlinegoverning methods are products and results of natural and political geography in any newlineregion and governments of any region contain one or some features of these theories. newlineCountries of ECO region are also followers of these principles.en_US
dc.titleHistorical obstacles of tourism development in eco regionen_US
dc.creator.researcherShahriari, Abdolrezaen_US
dc.subject.keywordEco Regionen_US
dc.subject.keywordTourism Developmenten_US
dc.contributor.guideSuvarana, Sugithaen_US
dc.publisher.universityUniversity of Mysoreen_US
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Historyen_US
Appears in Departments:Department of History

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