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Title: Job satisfaction self esteem and organizational commitment among faculty members of secondary level teacher training programme in India Mysore and Iran Tehran
Researcher: Cherabin, Moslem
Guide(s): Praveena, K. B.
Keywords: Job satisfaction
Organizational commitment
Self esteem
Teacher training India and Iran
Upload Date: 30-Dec-2014
University: University of Mysore
Completed Date: 2012
Abstract: The present investigation was a descriptive-cum-comparative study of Job Satisfaction, Self Esteem and Organizational Commitment among faculty members of secondary level teacher training programme in India (Mysore) and Iran (Tehran). The purpose of this investigation was to examine how certain demographic variables (male and female teachers, teachers of different length of experience, teachers from government and private institutions, teachers of different types of subjects and teachers of different age groups) affect Job Satisfaction, Self Esteem and Organizational Commitment of faculty members of secondary level teacher training colleges in India (Mysore) and Iran (Tehran). In addition, the study aimed to find out the relationship between Job Satisfaction, Self Esteem and Organizational Commitment of faculty members in both countries (India and Iran). The study was carried on faculty members who were working in teacher training colleges in both countries; India (Mysore) and Iran (Tehran). The sample for the present study was drawn using simple random sampling technique and considered of 186 participants from Mysore sample and 254 participants from Tehran sample. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Education

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