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dc.description.abstractIntroduction : Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that kills approximately 1.5 million people a year. Most of these deaths occur in developing countries. The incidence of tuberculosis measured in India is 1.94 million in 2016. India has scaled up basic TB services in the public health system, treating more than 19 million TB patients under RNTCP, but the rate of TB decline is too slow to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and 2035 End TB targets. The estimated number of MDR/ rifampicin resistant (RR)-TB in India is 147 000, accounting for one fourth of the global burden of MDR/RR-TB in India. Statement of the Problem: A study to assess the adherence regarding the DOTS therapy among tuberculosis patients registered at various DOTS centre of Bhopal city. newline.Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the adherence regarding DOTS therapy among TB patients registered at selected DOTS centre of Bhopal. newlineMethodology: A quantitative study was conducted using a descriptive study design. The stratified random sampling technique was used to select the various DOTS centre after that complete enumeration technique was used to select the participants from various DOTS centre. .The total sample size was 500 individuals. The data collection tools included Structured Interview Schedule and adopted standardized tools (Illness Cognition Questionnaire, and Morisky Green Levine Scale-4). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 2.0 which included descriptive statistics to measure level of adherence. Associations between adherence to DOTS therapy with socio demographic factors and Illness cognition were determined. newlineResults: Out of the total sample size majority 58.2% were male , 178(35.6%) belonged to 18-25 years of age .Most of the participants 160(32%) were primary school passed .Occupation wise majority 233(46.6% were housewives or unemployed and had less than Rs 1600 /- to Rs 1601-4809 income per month .
dc.titleA Study To Assess The Adherence Regarding The Dots Therapy Among Tuberculosis Patients Registered At Various Dots Centre Of Bhopal City
dc.creator.researcherSuhel, Rosy
dc.subject.keywordClinical Medicine
dc.subject.keywordClinical Pre Clinical and Health
dc.contributor.guidePrasad, Karesh
dc.publisher.universityPeoples University, Bhopal
dc.publisher.institutionPeoples College of Nursing and Research Centre
Appears in Departments:Peoples College of Nursing & Research Centre

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