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dc.description.abstractDrug targeting to specific organs and tissues has become one of the critical newlineendeavors of the century since the use of free drugs in conventional dosage forms newlinegenerally involves difficulties in achieving the target site at the appropriate dose newlineafter or during a proper time period. New drug delivery systems include polymeric newlinetechnologies to provide new sustained drug delivery with better body distribution, newlinedrug protection from the harsh external environment and avoidance of drug newlineclearance. Many of these technologies have reached the market therefore proving newlinethe benefits of these new carriers. This thesis covers the starch based newlinenanocomposites for controlled release of anticancer drugs. newlineThe first part of the thesis describes the introduction, review of literature and newlinematerial and method of Cassava starch (CSH) based nanocomposites for newlinecontrolled drug released in chapter one to four. Starch based nanocomposites with newlineother polymers like chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol, polycaprolactone, soya protein newlineisolate were prepared characterized by various methods like FTIR, XRD, SEM, newlineTGA, DSC and tensile strength. The second part of the thesis was covered by newlinechapter five with four sections. newlineCSH/CS/C30B nanocomposites have been prepared to investigate the extendedrelease newlineof curcumin (CUM) drugs by changing formulation variables. The newlinestructure and morphology of nanocomposites were characterized by FTIR, XRD, newlinetensile strength, TGA, SEM, and DSC. The CSH/CS-C30B (80:20:5) newlinenanocomposite was displayed higher weight loss near about 73.8% comparing to newlineCSH/CS (80:20) blend polymer value (66.4%) at 3060C. The DSC of CSH/CSC30B newlinenanocomposites are described the energy liberated in the pure blend without newlineC30B is 166.8 J/g while that of CSH-CS blend with 5% C30B is 221.2 J/g . newlineFurther the presence of C30B nanoclay, increases the extent of swelling; newlinetherefore, maximum swelling among the CSH/CS/C30B (80:20:5) blending newlinematrix is obtained for the formulation CUM-CSH/CS/C30B which contains higher newlineamounts of the C30B nanoclay.
dc.format.extentA4 SIZE,PDF, 143 Pages
dc.titleSynthesis and Characterization of Starch Based Nanocomposites for Controlled Release of Anticancer Drug
dc.creator.researcherMOHANTY, DEBI PRASANNA
dc.subject.keywordPhysical Sciences
dc.subject.keywordPolymer Science
dc.subject.keywordSynthesis, Nanocomposites, Anticancer, Drug, Polymer, Starch
dc.contributor.guideBiswal, Susanta Kumar
dc.publisher.universityCenturion University of Technology and Management
dc.publisher.institutionBasic Sc.
Appears in Departments:Basic Sc.

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