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dc.description.abstractDiabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by hyper glycaemia, altered metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins because of a lack of or ineffective use of the hormone insulin and newlineassociated with reduced life expectancy, significant morbidity due to specific diabetes related micro vascular complications and diminished quality of life. With the predicament of increasing diabetic cases more attention was drawn towards the metabolic disorder by National Diabetic Data Group (NDDG) of USA and second World Health Organization newlinecommittee (WHO) and classified diabetes in the year 1979 and 1980. In case of type I diabetes the elevated blood glucose levels are controlled by injecting insulin subcutaneously. In case of type II diabetes various medications were used. In general, for effective treatment of type II diabetes combinations of drugs were preferred. Though wide category of drugs were available control of sugar levels becomes difficult due to highly variable pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic behavior of these drugs. Pharmacokinetic parameters of drugs such as Cmax, Tmax, AUC, Vd, Kel, biological half-life greatly influence pharmacodynamic properties newlinesuch as On set of action, Duration of action, and Mean Residence Time (MRT) of the drug. Due to faster elimination of the drug there is elevated glucose levelwhich can be reduced by administration of another dose of anti-diabetic drug. Therefore, for effective treatment it is evident that frequent administration of drugs is essential especially in case of low biological half-life drugs. Frequent drug administration results in poor newlinepatient compliance and increased chances of missing the dose of a drug.
dc.titlePreparation and Evaluation of Matrix tablets of Antidiabetic drugs
dc.creator.researcherSrilakshmi N
dc.subject.keywordAntidiabetic drugs
dc.subject.keywordClinical Pre Clinical and Health
dc.subject.keywordMatrix tablets
dc.subject.keywordPharmacology and Pharmacy
dc.subject.keywordPharmacology and Toxicology
dc.contributor.guideSrinivasa Babu P and Bhagavan Raju M
dc.publisher.universityJawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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