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Title: Study of mechanical properties and role of Hydrogen on Silicon Carbo Nitride Thin Film
Researcher: kumar Dhruva
Guide(s): Sharma Ashis, Swain Prasad Bibhu
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Material Science
Materials Science Biomaterials
University: Sikkim Manipal University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: In the recent years SiCN thin films have become very popular for a number of industrial application due to its excellent physical chemical electronic and mechanical newlineproperties. In the present work, SiCN thin films have been deposited using atmospheric newlinepressure chemical vapour deposition (APCVD) method by varying either hydrogen or newlinenitrogen flow rate. Morphological, structural, compositional, mechanical and tribological properties of the SiCN thin films have been investigated by AFM Raman spectroscopy FTIR spectroscopy XRD XPS and nanoindentation characterization techniques. newlineHardness and Young s modulus was found to be increasing and roughness was found to be decreasing with increase in both H2 and N2 flow rate. The maximum hardness and Young s modulus observed as 30 GPa and 300 GPa with variation in H2 flow rate whereas with varying N2 flow rate hardness was found to be 65 GPa and Young s modulus as 375 GPa. Also, plasticity and plastic deformation resistance found to be increasing in both the cases but elastic recovery decreased with increase in H2 flow rate. The diffraction pattern obtained from XRD indicates presence of various planes in SiCN thin films. crystallite size of the (102) plane varied from 2.93 nm - 13.29 nm indicating newlinethat the nanocrystal is embedded in the amorphous matrix. The lattice mismatch newlineand difference in thermal coefficient between SiCN thin films and Si(100) substrate resulted in strain in the thin film whose value varied from -0.00299-+0.0487. Ramanspectra confirmed three prominent band observed for Si(TO), SiC H3 and SiCN. FTIR newlineresults confirmed that the dihydride and trihydride bonds are only placed on the surface of nanoparticles. Shifting of FTIR to a higher wavenumber showed the nanocluster newlineformation. The semi empirical core-orbital bonding analysis of Si(1s)C(1s) and N(1s) newlinewere used to evaluate the possible bonding analysis in the SiCN thin films. XPS characterization confirmed the SiCN thin films are nanocomposite materials. A DoE-TOPSIS meta-model is developed to optimize the APCVD process parameters and it is noticed newlinethat the experimental and meta-model prediction results for both hardness and Young s newlinemodulus are very close to each other which validates the optimization model.
Appears in Departments:Centre for Material science and nanotechnology

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