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Title: Behaviour of high performanceConcrete using binary ternary andQuaternarycementitious blends
Researcher: Chinnaraju K
Guide(s): Subramanian K
Keywords: Additional material
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
High Performance Concrete
Upload Date: 23-Dec-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/12/2009
Abstract: newlineThe premature deterioration of concrete structures in aggressive newlineenvironments and the need for high strength concrete to reduce the size of the newlinestructural elements and hence the overall weight of the structures lead to the newlinedevelopment of the High Performance Concrete HPC The production of HPC newlineinvolves appropriate selection and proportioning of the constituents to produce a newlinecomposite mainly characterized by its low porosity and to make the concrete newlinemore economical and ecological Mineral admixtures provide additional newlinereduction in the porosity of mortar matrix and improve the interface with the newlineaggregate Chemical admixtures allow substantial reduction in the mixing water newlineto achieve high strength and rheological characteristics newlineThis investigation studies the effect of binary ternary and quaternary newlineblends of fly ash Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag GGBS and silica newlinefume with cement on the strength and durability characteristics of HPC Fly ash newlineand GGBS are used as cement replacement materials in various combinations at newlinezero 10 20 and 30 percent individually or by combination to a maximum of 30 newlinepercent Silica fume is used as an additional material for each combination at newlinezero 2 5 5 7 5 10 and 12 5 percent by weight of cement The addition of silica newlinefume is beneficial since its faster reactivity can compensate the slower reactivity newlineof fly ash and GGBS newline newline
Pagination: xxi, 151p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Civil Engineering

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