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Title: Role of Leadership influencing employee performance in Public Sector Steel Unit with reference to Bhilai Steel Plant
Researcher: Singh, ShobhNath
Guide(s): Vyas, J H
Keywords: Arts and Humanities
Arts and Recreation
Humanities Multidisciplinary
University: Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University
Completed Date: 2014
Abstract: The broad objective of this research work is to examine the relationship between newlineemployee performance and leadership in public sector steel industry in India. Along with this newlinemain objective two other objectives closely related to the main objective were selected. Thus the newlinesecond objective was to compare leadership style and behaviour of leaders across hierarchical newlinelevels and the third was to compare the leadership behaviour and style of leaders across newlineorganizational levels. In addressing these objectives Bhilai Steel Plant, a Public Sector Steel Unit newlinewas selected and for comparison of leadership behaviour and style for the leaders across newlineorganizational levels Rourkela Steel Plant was selected. In terms of this research performance and newlineleadership were discussed in terms of research context. newlineThe study followed a survey design, and employed evaluative quantitative analysis newlinemethod. Analysis was based on primary data generated through structured Multifactor Leadership newlineQuestionnaire (MLQ) administered on respondents.Responses to the research statements were newlinescaled and were converted to quatitative data. The study used a between group design with newlineeleven independent variable consisting of leadership factors and three dependent variables newlineconsisting of performance factors.Simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis newlinehave been used to find the significance, direction and strength of the relationship. Minitab -16 has newlinebeen used for all statistical analysis. newlineThe research established relationship between leadership and employee performance. newlineTransformational leadership and transactional leadership are positively related to employee newlineperformance while laissez-faire is negatively related to the employee performance. Leadership newlinebehaviours and styles across hierarchical levels in Bhilai Steel Plant are different. Similarly newlineleadership behaviours and styles of leaders at senior management levels across Bhilai Steel Plant newlineand Rourkela Steel Plant are also different. newlineThis research adds a new dimension to employee performa
Pagination: all pages
Appears in Departments:Department of Management

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