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Title: A Frame work Development of Green Supply Chain Management In Steel Industry Chhattisgarh Using Interpretive Structural Modeling Under Fuzzy Environment
Researcher: Kumar, Rajesh
Guide(s): Shekhar, Shiena
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Mechanical
University: Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The steel industries use immense raw material and water and are also the leading contributor to the undesirable emissions. The presence of a large number of steel industries in Chhattisgarh makes the status of the environment critical for sustenance. An effort has been made in this research to study and find a solution for sustainability through Green Supply Chain Management. newlineThe research was carried out through the pilot study based on the questionnaire which was filled up by the personnel of the steel plant. Then more exhaustive investigation was carried out by sending the questionnaire to a large number of persons from the steel industry. newlineThe weighted average score of the data was obtained through MS Excel and the relevance of the enablers was ascertained. Then, reliability testing of the data was done through SPSS software. Interpretive Structural Modeling for fuzzy environment was done by the data obtained and Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) framework was suggested. Then, the study was carried on a larger population which included 251 respondents .The data obtained was again analyzed on SPSS for reliability and validity. Then a framework of action to be taken was proposed to the experts. Upon analyzing the data it was found that more than eighty percent of the actions suggested to be taken for the implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) had a weighted average score more than 0.8. The GSCM framework was also checked for reliability through SPSS software. Hence, the proposed GSCM framework proposed to the steel industries in Chhattisgarh holds good. newline
Pagination: 6P.,138P.
Appears in Departments:Department of Mechanical Engineering

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