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Title: Study of Vegetarian Cookery Techniques and Feast Culture in Mewar During Nineteenth and Twentieth Century
Researcher: Kumawat ShashiKant
Guide(s): Gopal Vallabh Vyas
Keywords: and#2358;and#2366;and#2325;and#2366;and#2361;and#2366;and#2352;and#2368;, and#2360;and#2306;and#2360;and#2381;and#2325;and#2371;and#2340;and#2367;, and#2350;and#2375;and#2357;and#2366;and#2396;, and#2349;and#2379;and#2332;
Area Studies
History and Geography
Social Sciences
University: Mohan Lal Sukhadia University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: newline Abstract available
Pagination: 313
Appears in Departments:Department of History

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