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dc.description.abstractAs fossil fuel depletes day by day, because of this, there is a very newlinelarge gap between the demand and supply of the fuel to the various energyconsuming newlinesectors.Plants and animal fat-based oil and fuels are having the newlineability to fill this gap of the demand and supply related to the market. Diesel newlineEngine operated vehicles are contributing tothe most harmful emissions in newlinethe environment. Different types of bio-based fuels such as vegetable oil, newlineanimal fat based oil, and biodiesel and biogas etc are investigated by the newlineresearch community throughout the world. All bio- based oils required to newlineprocess and transfer in the usable form as per the demand of the fuel and newlineapplications. Majorly all these resources are environmentally less polluting newlineand economically less expensive than conventional fuels. In the field of newlinealternative fuel, biodiesel stands firmly and leaves remarkable results and newlinefootprints as compared to other fuels. Biodiesel can be blended with diesel newlinefuel in different varying percentage in order to form biodiesel blended fuel newlineas B20, B40, B60 and so on. Where B stands for biodiesel and the newlinecorresponding number indicates its percentage in the overall blend. In this newlinepresent study different feedstock of biodiesel such as cottonseed oil newlinebiodiesel, soybean oil biodiesel, jatropha oil biodiesel and palm oil biodiesel newlineare used as an alternative fuel. Biodiesel hasexcellent combustion newlinecharacteristics.However, biodiesel possesses few disadvantages such as newlinelower heating value, high density, low cloud point and pour point, and high newlineflash point and fire point. This properties of biodiesel affect largely the newlineperformance, combustion and emission characteristics of the diesel engine. newlineAs biodiesels are having high viscosity and higher flashpoint than diesel, it newlinewill be difficult to use biodiesel as a fuel alone in present diesel engines. newlineHence it is preferred to blend biodiesel with diesel to get required properties newlineix newlineof blend that will suit the present diesel engines. However,the higher newlinekinematic viscosity of biodiesel/
dc.titleInvestigation On Properties Performance Combustion And Emission Characteristics Of Various Biodiesel Blends With Ethanol And Graphene Nanoparticles As Additives
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Mechanical
dc.publisher.universitySathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
dc.publisher.institutionMECHANICAL DEPARTMENT
Appears in Departments:MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT

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14-references.pdf298.78 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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