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Title: Effect of creative drama on acquisition of concepts of economics and self confidence
Researcher: Brar, Rupinder
Guide(s): Aggarwal, Vandana
Keywords: Concept Acquisition
Creative Drama
Self Confidence
Traditional Instruction
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Creative Drama on acquisition of concepts of Economics and Self- Confidence in students of class IX. Another purpose of this study was to investigate students self-reported views related to creative drama based instruction through opinionnaire, narratives and semi structured interviews .The study was conducted in 3 private school in Chandigarh with a total of 180 class IX students, lasting four weeks. Ninety of the participants received Creative Drama Based Instruction (CDBI), and other ninety received Traditional Instruction (TI). The data were collected through Economics concept acquisition test (ECAT), Self-Confidence Inventory (SCI), opinionnaire, narratives and semi structured interviews. The ECAT and SCI were administered as both pretest and posttest. In addition, interviews were conducted randomly selected students. The quantitative analyses were carried out by using independent samples t-test was performed on gain score of ECAT and SCI difference scores. The results of the study indicated that there was a statistically significant mean difference between the students who received creative drama based instruction and traditional instruction in terms of concept acquisition and self-confidence scores, in favor of CDBI. Furthermore, according to the narratives and semi structured interview responses of the experimental group students, significantly better performance of the experimental group students was attributable to the potential of the creative drama based instruction to provide actively involvement, work with friends and collaboratively and providing self-awareness and self-confidence. newline
Pagination: xiii, 200p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Education

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