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dc.description.abstractThe study involves optimizing an effective regenerative protocol for large scale newlineproduction of Anthurium through somatic embryogenesis. The intended benefits include ability newlineto mass multiply fragrant-coloured lines within a short span of 7 8 months, and bringing newlinedown the per-plant cost of production from INR 120 150 to INR 25 30. This will have a newlinesignificant impact on the potential to meet demand from both domestic as well as international newlinemarkets. Somatic embryogenesis (direct as well as indirect) as possible approach for newlinemicropropagation was explored. newlineFor direct somatic embryogenesis, embryo induction required the supplementation of newlineboth auxin and cytokinin. The highest embryo induction (51.7 %) was observed with MS in the newlinepresence of 0.27 and#956;M BAP, 2.68 and#956;M NAA and 3 % sucrose. For embryo maturation however, newlineBAP (0.27 and#956;M) alone with 87.6 mM sucrose was found to be sufficient. The germinated newlineplantlets however, did not proliferate into shoots nor formed roots, thus limiting the application newlineof direct somatic embryogenesis for our hybrid lines. newlineIndirect somatic embryogenesis was found to be an efficient method of newlinemicropropagation for our hybrid lines. Modified half MS (125 mg. L newline newline-1 ammonium nitrate, 10 newline% EDTA Ferric Sodium) was observed to be the best medium for inducing callus as well as newlinesomatic embryos. For callus induction, both auxin (2,4-D) and cytokinin (BAP) were newlinenecessary, the highest percentage of callus (95.7 % - white) was induced with 4.44 and#956;M BAP newlineand 1.36 and#956;M 2,4-D. Even for embryo maturation, the same medium was sufficient, the highest newlineof 67.7 % of the calli clumps formed embryos, with 7.3 somatic embryos per calli clump. All newlinethe developmental stages of somatic embryos were confirmed through observation under newlinescanning electron microscope (SEM). For germination of somatic embryos however, BAP newline(1.33 and#956;M) alone in MS was sufficient, producing the highest of 13.8 (white) shoot primordia newlineper explant (somatic embryos). When the shoot primordia were proliferated on the same fresh newlinemedium, the highest of 29.8 shoots per explant (shoot primordia) was obtained. The highest of newline15.3 (white) roots per shoot was produced and a separate rooting medium was not required. newline newlineCallus and shoot proliferation were experimented on suspension culture. Media- newlinehormone combinations used for proliferation were same as those used for callus and shoot newline newlineinduction on solid medium. Though the weight increased by 8.2x, the proliferated callus did newlinenot survive for subsequent maturation. However, shoot proliferation was good, albeit at higher newlineconcentrations of BAP. Taking into consideration the other advantages of liquid medium, newlineshoots can be proliferated on suspension culture going forward. newlineHardening was best on jiffy plugs with survival rate of 96.8 % (pink) to 98.4 % (white). newlineCocopeat and Perlite in the ratio 1:3 was found to be the next best combination with a survival newlinerate of 94.4 % (white). newline
dc.format.extent117 p.
dc.titleSomatic Embryogenesis as an Efficient Method for In Vitro Production of Anthurium
dc.creator.researcherBhavana G P
dc.subject.keywordLife Sciences
dc.subject.keywordPlant and Animal Science
dc.subject.keywordPlant Sciences
dc.contributor.guideKumudini Belur Satyan
dc.publisher.universityJain University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Biotechnology
Appears in Departments:Department of Biotechnology

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