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Title: Studies on enhancing equipment performance using modified overall equipment effectiveness measure
Researcher: Anil s badiger
Guide(s): Gandhinathan R
Keywords: effectiveness measure
equipment performance
mechanical engineering
Upload Date: 16-Dec-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/08/2009
Abstract: Equipment performance plays an important role in every industrial newlineorganization Maintenance is concerned with the performance of a wide newlinevariety of activities needed for ensuring the smooth working of equipment newlineand facilities With increasing importance towards reducing wastes and newlinemaximizing productivity for manufacturing companies optimizing the newlineprocesses and machinery performance has become more critical than ever newlinebefore This needs a higher attention to be given to the reliability of the newlineproduction facilities to achieve good product quality at less cost The newlinemaintenance and management of the companys production facilities is of newlineincreasing importance in modern factories The measurement of their newlineutilization will bring useful information about company performance newline newline
Pagination: xx, 179p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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