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Title: Synthesis and characterization of transition metals incorporated alpo 5 and alpo 11 catalysts a spectroscopic study
Researcher: Vishnuvarthan M
Guide(s): Murugesan V
Keywords: alpo 5 and alpo 11
science and humanities
transition metals
Upload Date: 16-Dec-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/05/2009
Abstract: Homogeneous catalysts such as sulfuric acid hydrochloric acid newlinephosphoric acid etc are frequently used in the chemical industry However newlinethese catalysts are environmentally hazardous toxic corrosive and newlinenonrecyclable During this adverse situation in the chemical industry porous newlinematerials have emerged as an alternative option for the chemical industry due newlineto their non toxicity non corrosive nature possibility of reusing and newlineimportantly their ecofriendly nature However the use of these porous newlinematerials in the chemical industry is limited due to low conversion rate and newlineyield compared to conventional catalysts Zeolites crystalline newlinealuminosilicates emerged as a potential replacement for conventional newlinecatalysts due to their acidic nature newline newline
Pagination: xxviii, 203p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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