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Title: In-vitro and in-vivo experimental study of effect of direct and filtered ultraviolet rays through transparent plastic sheet on growth of bacteria and dynamics of wound healing
Researcher: Rao, Bhamini K
Guide(s): Kumar, Pramod
Rao, P Sugandhi
Keywords: Health Sciences
Wound Healing
Physical therapy
Ultraviolet Rays
Upload Date: 25-Oct-2011
University: Manipal University
Completed Date: 2010
Pagination: 165p.
Appears in Departments:Manipal College of Health Professions

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01_title.pdfAttached File129.07 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
02_certificate.pdf91.84 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
03_declaration.pdf42.2 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
04_acknowledgement.pdf67.32 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
05_table of contents.pdf16.98 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
06_list of tables.pdf22.91 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
07_list of graphs.pdf18.85 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
08_list of photomicrographs figures & abbreviations.pdf72.73 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
09_chapter 1.pdf76.22 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
10_chapter 2.pdf888.22 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
11_chapter 3.pdf29.91 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
12_chapter 4.pdf20.04 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
13_chapter 5.pdf17.44 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
14_chapter 6.pdf115.51 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
15_chapter 7.pdf30.19 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
16_chapter 8.pdf172.4 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
17_publications.pdf18.16 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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