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Title: Treatment of saltwater crocodile Pond wastewater using constructed Wetland system
Researcher: Sudha S
Guide(s): Vasudevan N
Keywords: Science and humanities
Water pollution
Upload Date: 12-Dec-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/12/2008
Abstract: Managing the wastewater produced by confined animal feeding and newlinerearing operations is a major environmental challenge Wastewater produced newlinefrom the saltwater crocodile is uricogenic high in ammonia estimated up to newline90 with high biochemical oxygen demand 100 mg L suspended solids newline 630 mg L phosphorus 6 mg L and nitrogen 30 mg L Discharge of newlineuntreated or partially treated wastewaters containing high concentrations of newlinenitrogen into water bodies contribute to deterioration of water quality human newlinehealth problems and accelerate eutrophication Total nitrogen and ammonia newlineremoval is achieved in general by expensive conventional wastewater newlinetreatment plants such as activated sludge and biological nutrient removal newlinetechnologies which involve large capital investment and operating cost One newlineway of treating wastewater is the application of constructed wetlands an easy newlineto handle system that is considered to be relatively inexpensive Thus newlineconstructed wetlands are gaining increased attention for treatment of nonpoint newlinesources of water pollution especially from animal husbandry newline newline
Pagination: xxiii, 214p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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