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dc.coverage.spatialScalable secure and cost effectiveKey agreement protocol for dynamicPeer groupsen_US
dc.description.abstractAs result of the increased popularity of group oriented newlineapplications and protocols group communication occurs in many different newlinesettings from network layer multicasting to application layer tele and video newlineconferencing Regardless of the underlying environment security services are newlinenecessary to provide communication privacy and integrity While peer to peer newlinesecurity is a mature and well developed field secure group communication newlineremains relatively unexplored newlineMany multicast security problems are closely related to core key newlinemanagement and distribution problems There are certain multicast security newlinearchitectures available in the literature based on centralized decentralized and newlinedistributed approaches However there is no single method that can consider newlineall the issues like single point failure dependence on the routing protocol newlineexponential increase of computational costincreased overheads due to newlinemembership dynamism complex key distribution mechanism less scalability newlineand finally inefficiency due to rekey updates To resolve the above issues in newlinethis thesis a hybrid approach system is proposed This system is called Hybrid newlineRekeyingMechanism HRM and it consists of the following three parts newlineOne way function tree with Iolus as a base newlineInterval based Cost effective Key Agreement Protocol ICKAP newlineto reduce re keying complexity and newlineEnhanced security infrastructure newlineen_US
dc.format.extentxvii, 144p.en_US
dc.titleScalable secure and cost effectiveKey agreement protocol for dynamicPeer groupsen_US
dc.creator.researcherGopalakrishnan Ven_US
dc.subject.keywordEnhanced security infrastructureen_US
dc.subject.keywordHybrid RekeyingMechanismen_US
dc.subject.keywordInterval based Cost effective Key Agreement Protocolen_US
dc.description.notereference p136-141.en_US
dc.contributor.guideAnnadurai Sen_US
dc.publisher.universityAnna Universityen_US
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Information and Communication Engineeringen_US,en_US
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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