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Title: Work family enrichment andWork life balance
Researcher: Dobleniharikamukesh
Guide(s): Supriya M V
Keywords: Baron and Kenny
Upload Date: 12-Dec-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/06/2010
Abstract: Organisations of the day are recognizing that to cultivate and newlinesupport effective employees they must assist them to learn how to achieve newlineand maintain their worklife balance Employees of the day are faced with newlineproblems of work life balance Work life enrichment is increasingly newlinerecognized as important to facilitate work life balance newlineThe sample consisted of 640 respondents from four NASCOMM newlinelisted IT companies located in Chennai city The study used both primary and newlinesecondary data The primary data was collected using a questionnaire newlineCronbachs alpha computed evidence reliability Correlations were done on newlinework family enrichment and family work enrichment to determine the newlinelinearity between variables newlineFamily characteristics family resources work characteristics and newlinework resources were regressed on work family enrichment and family work newlineenrichment to test the contribution of each variable on the dependent variable newlineThe mediation effects of family to work enrichment and work to family newlineenrichment on work life balance were studied using the procedure outlined by newlineBaron and Kenny newline newline
Pagination: xvi, 235p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Management Studies

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