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dc.coverage.spatial164 p.
dc.description.abstractAbstract newlineLocation based services (LBS) is one the emerging technologies in mobile, networking and information services. LBS are gaining importance due to advances in mobile network and positioning technologies. LBS users are exchanging the information based on their location like Maps and navigation, information services, tracking services, social networking, vehicular navigation, and location based advertisement. LBS users provide highly personalized information to the service providers like Location Information and Personal Identity. There is always the possibility of threats because LBS providers cannot always trustworthy and more complex communication schemes. Location privacy and communication privacy are one of the key issues. The cryptographic technique is used for avoiding position tracking, secure information sharing and data integrity and authentication in mobile network. Location based services are classified as Trusted Third Party-Based Schema and Trusted Third Party- Free Schema which uses cryptographic approaches. Trusted Third Party Based Schema give guarantee the privacy of the user in LBS. The problem is that users are not necessarily satisfied by completely trusting intermediate entities. Collaborative Trusted Third Party- Free Schema is one of the best for location privacy in LBS. They use cryptographic approaches to secure and achieve the highest location privacy. There are still many challenges needed to be addressed as Communication Cost, Computational Cost, and Supports Scalability. The main aim is to propose an approach that is TTP free, provides location privacy, strongly resilience against security and privacy attacks, improved scalability with minimum cost and improve the overall execution in the efficient and fast manner. newline
dc.format.extent164 p.
dc.titleCollaborative TTP Free Cryptographic Approaches for Privacy Preservation in Location Based Services
dc.title.alternativePreservation in Location Based Services
dc.creator.researcherRathod Ajaysinh Devendrasinh
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordTransportation Science and Technology
dc.contributor.guideShah Saurabh A. , Jariwala Vivaksha J.
dc.publisher.universityC.U. Shah University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Computer Engineering
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Engineering

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