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Title: Tea Plantation Labour in Darjeeling and Dooars an enquiry into the changing pattern of the quality of life with special reference to women labour
Researcher: Rai, Pratima Chamling
Guide(s): Bhuimali, Anil
Keywords: Social Sciences
Economics and Business
Industrial Relations and Labor
Tea Plantation
Women Labour
University: Raiganj University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: The Tea Industry in India has several far reaching and meaningful influences on the national newlineeconomy particularly in respect of its export earnings and employment potentials. The newlineindustry employs more than 1.2 million people makes it worldand#8223;s leading producer and newlineexporter of tea.The women workers in the tea gardens make up to 70% of the total work newlineforce. Apart from its contribution to the economy of India, tea today provides a planned and a newlinestimulating non-alcoholic beverage to a common man. Tea is the countryand#8223;s primary beverage, newlinewith at least 85% of total households in the country consuming tea. There are certain varieties newlineof tea grown only in India which are in great demand across the world. The two regions newlineAssam and West Bengal together produce over 70% of the countryand#8223;s tea where Darjeeling newlineTea is very famous for its aroma and flavor. But the saddest part is that the workers who newlinework in these tea gardens experience miserable and bitter flavor in their life. At the same time newlinethey also witness the worst working conditions for the tea garden workers in the country. newlineThey are paid low wages and endure appalling working and living conditions where the newlinewomen workers are especially affected. newline
Pagination: xxii, 312p
Appears in Departments:Economics

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