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dc.coverage.spatialPd signal time-frequency map and prpd pattern analysis of nano sio2 modified palm oil for transformer insulation applications
dc.description.abstractPower transformer is the most expensive component in power system and its breakdown occurs mainly due to performance degradation of liquid insulation. at present several research works are being conducted to avoid the usage of conventional mineral oil insulation considering its drawbacks and to find an alternate natural ester based insulation for transformers natural ester oils are biodegradable and are easily available reports are available on the dielectric characteristics of palm oil corn oil sunflower oil olive oil coconut oil and castor oil recent advancements in nanotechnology offer possibilities for the development of nanofluid insulation for transformers the selection of suitable base oil along with nano filler material provides more appropriate nano fluid for power transformer applications many researchers reported the enhancement in dielectric characteristics of nano modified mineral oils however very few research reports is available in the area of vegetable oil based nanofluids for transformer applications palm oil has better insulation characteristics comparable with mineral oil hence development of nano modified palm oil with enhanced insulation performance will be useful for electrical utilities partial discharge pd is one of the major sources of insulation performance degradation of transformer oil pd mainly starts due to the enhancement of local electric field in the oil paper insulation caused by the presence of cavity void bubbles metal particles etc and it gradually speeds up the degradation and aging of the oil insulation system. newline
dc.format.extentxxvii, p151.
dc.titlePd signal time frequency map and prpd pattern analysis of nano sio2 modified palm oil for transformer insulation applications
dc.creator.researcherArvind Shriram RK
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Electrical and Electronic
dc.subject.keywordPower Transformer
dc.contributor.guideKarthik B
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Electrical Engineering
dc.format.dimensions21 cm
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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