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Title: Design and development of qos aware security model for web service selection and communication
Researcher: Anithadevi N
Guide(s): Sundarambal M
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Computer Science
Computer Science Information Systems
Web services
Qos Standards
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: Web services are software systems in internet that are universally deployed and invoked using standard protocols Web services from different service providers offer services with same functionalities that distract the users during service selection This issue is resolved using the description of non functional qualities of web services which directly related to their performance for differentiating the web services with similar functionalities In web service environment changes in traffic patterns denial of service attacks the effects of infrastructure failures low performance of Web protocols and security issues degrade the QoS standards The unresolved QoS issues cause unacceptable levels of performance degradation so in web services environment QoS management is more essential In web service environment to manage the QoS various techniques are used by the providers for satisfying the requirement of service requester The non functional properties like reliability secure messaging transaction availability and response time are the major QoS characteristics of web services Discovering the web service based on user preference QoS requirement is the major task for the providers to hold their customers from the competitors The trustworthy web service discovery and recommendation model have been developed in this research to select and recommend the trusted web service based on requesters QoS requirement The web services are published described discovered and invoked through the exchange of XML messages over the Internet .They use Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP for sending the XML messages among their services The web vi service that is selected for the use of successful business scenarios should be a trusted and protected one which secures the sensitive business transactions from the competitors. newline
Pagination: xxii, 187p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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