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Title: Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Varanasi District A Study in Applied Climatology
Researcher: Adinehvand, Mojtaba
Guide(s): Singh, B. N.
Keywords: Geography
History and Geography
Social Sciences
University: Banaras Hindu University
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: Climate change refers to long-term significant change in the planet and#8127;s weather patterns due to astronomical, extraterrestrial or terrestrial causes. Amongst these, emission of greenhouse gases beyond permisible limit is identified as a major cause amongst other terrestrial causes responsible for variation in atmospheric composition. The impacts of climate change are shown in various forms throughout the world include the rise in sea level, decrease in glaciers, northward movement of plant habitats, changes in animal habitats, rise of ocean temperature, shortened winter and early arrival of spring etc. IPCC reported that changes in precipitation will be non-uniform and its extreme events over most of the mid-latitude and wet tropical regions will become more intense and frequent. Recent finding of increasing trends in extreme precipitation leads to imply greater risks of flooding at regional scale. Climatic variability and occurrence of extreme events are major concerns for the Indian subcontinents. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Geography

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