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dc.description.abstractThe growing dependence of our energy sector on renewable resources is a mark of transition newlinefrom its earlier solitary dependence on conventional resources. Depleting fossil fuels and newlineenvironmental concerns are the biggest reasons for this change. The climatic changes impact newlineglobal temperature, melting of snow and hence mean sea levels. There are multiple renewable newlineenergy resources like solar, ocean, wind and bio fuel. Among them, wind energy is newlineestablished as a mature, green, clean and cost effective technology. Wind farms have a newlinenumber of advantages like voltage and peak load demand support and reduction of power newlinelosses, but the inherent unpredictable and intermittent nature of wind makes the power system newlinemore complex, dynamic, distributed and deregulated. This poses new challenges for power newlinesystem engineers when integrating to conventional electric grid. Stringent grid codes have newlinebeen developed, which emphasizes continuous connectivity of wind farm with the grid and newlineearly recovery in case of faults and disturbances from the economic and reliable operation newlinepoint of view. This establishes the need of real time monitoring and control. The monitoring newlineand control of renewable energy connected power system in real time is a huge challenge for newlinepower system operators. newlineThe wind energy is generally tapped from land, onshore and offshore farms. The number of newlineoffshore wind farms is increasing continuously to optimally utilize the wind resources. newlineHowever, developing and managing an offshore wind farm is an uphill task, which requires newlinecomprehensive planning and execution. The offshore maintenance cost is ten times higher in newlinecomparison to the onshore. It is not possible to place manpower at offshore wind farms due to newlinetheir remote locations and rough sea conditions. Also the offshore wind farm becomes non newlineaccessible a number of days due to rough sea conditions and requires urgent air services.
dc.titlePerformance Evaluation of Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure for Wind Connected Power System based on Wide Area Measurement System
dc.creator.researcherKiran Gajrani
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Electrical and Electronic
dc.contributor.guideAnnapurna Bhargava
dc.publisher.universityRajasthan Technical University, Kota
dc.publisher.institutionElectrical Engineering
Appears in Departments:Electrical Engineering

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