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Title: Social Work Intervention with Cancer Patients A Descriptive Study in Himachal Pradesh
Researcher: Sharma, Shishir
Guide(s): Nag, Ashish
Keywords: Art
Arts and Humanities
Arts and Recreation
University: Central University of Himachal Pradesh
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: At First I Pay my obeisance in form of prayers to Lord Ganesha who is Lord newlineSai, Maa Brajeshwari Devi a Shaktipeeth and ask for his permission to undertake newlinethe present work quotSocial Work Intervention With Cancer Patients: A Descriptive newlineStudy in Himachal Pradeshquot and to bless and equip me with necessary strength, to newlineremove all the obstacles and to make this work as success. newlineFrom the bottom of My Heart, I would like to pay my deepest gratitude to my newline Guruji who is my Research Guide Dr. Ashish Nag for approving and giving consent newlineto be my Mentor. It is only because of his sincere and dedicated assistance, newlineinspiration, all time necessary support and direction throughout the time duration of newlinePh.D. that made it possible for me to complete the work of writing the thesis. His newlinemastery on research methodology and visionary approach towards problem solving newlinehas casted a positive impact and impression on me. But above all, I have no hesitation newlinein saying that he is a perfect gentleman whose officer like qualities and humbleness newlinecasted a deep impression of my lifestyle. I am blessed to have a supervisor in image newlineof Dr. Ashish Nag Sir in my life. newlineI take this opportunity to write and thanks to Pro-Vice- Chancellor Dr. Hans Raj newlineSharma, A renowned academician for his valuable timely guidance, support and newlineencouragement. But if I was being given an opportunity to copy one thing from him at newlinefirst, I will choose his qualities of passion and commitment towards completion of work newlinein time bound manner. He has taught me the necessary skill of how an idea can be newlineshaped into an opportunity. With utmost gratitude I am privileged to have an opportunity newlineto be associated with such a learned and expert teacher like him in my life. newlineI am obliged to my Department Dr. Ashutosh Pradhan Head of Department, newlineDepartment of Social Work, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Mrs. Ambreen newlineJamali, Mr. Shabab Ahmed for their all time necessary support and Guidance. They newlinealways helped me whenever I needed clearance on any concerned area for the newlinecompletion
Appears in Departments:Department of Social Work

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